As a haulier, you want to make sure that your contractors have everything covered before doing transports. Thanks to FERNFRACHT’s excellent credit rating and bank-independent financial strategy, you can have complete peace of mind. Based on the following advantages, we hope to convince you that FERNFRACHT Logistics is exactly the right partner for you.
FERNFRACHT distinguishes between three kinds of subcontractors: classic subcontractors, premium hauliers, and specialised hauliers.
These companies take on 1 to 40 partial or full loads a year – we maintain business partnerships with over 3,500 active partners every year.
These hauliers have an ongoing business relationship with FERNFRACHT. They have ongoing or recurring relations with us at top conditions.
These hauliers decide to leave part or all of their truck fleet at the disposition of FERNFRACHT for round trips.
With the FERNFRACHT Circle, we guarantee the most efficient transport process for every business partner, which makes payment even faster with the least effort. All processes are displayed transparently on the FERNFRACHT platform service. There is no need for a login, as a link is sent to you by email after the transport order has been assigned. This link brings you directly to the FERNFRACHT platform where you can access all transport data.
Our FERNFRACHT team is happy to answer all questions.
We have developed our FERNFRACHT platform service for simple and targeted communications. The platform collects all information for a qualitative and smooth transport process.
All parties involved are informed about the current status of the transport through status information that is updated automatically or manually. Acting instead of reacting avoids unnecessary costs and facilitates a cooperative partnership. Transport data that is transmitted to your drivers can be downloaded in a reduced and simplified form as a PDF. Thanks to the chat function on the FERNFRACHT platform service, goal-specific information arrives and can be processed immediately. As a premium or regular haulier, you receive additional benefits and exclusive transport offers via the FERNFRACHT platform service. Our system knows your main connections and finds a suitable offer for you. Uploading documents is also quickly and easily done using the platform. In addition, all information and documents that pertain to active and completed transports is presented in a clear fashion. After confirming your company details, we guarantee to send the freight credit memo to the email address you have provided within 48 hours. The FERNFRACHT platform service gives you and your team a transparent overview, saves time, and reduces the administrative effort associated with transport.
Our freight contract can be accessed by a link on our FERNFRACHT platform service so that there is no need for separate emails with attachments. You can open, print, or save the freight contract as a PDF directly on the platform. In order to be able to organize the optimal transport for each individual truck, we require information about the current status of the transport to be sent at least three times per day. It is also possible for you to register directly with our visibility provider so that the GPS data of your trucks is directly posted on our FERNFRACHT platform service. All communication related to the transport is also carried out on the FERNFRACHT platform service: no separate emails, Skype conservations, or anything of that nature is required. The required delivery receipts can be uploaded easily, safely, and quickly on the FERNFRACHT platform service. After a positive appraisal of the papers you have uploaded and your current company data, you will receive the credit note within 48 hours! You can access the FERNFRACHT platform service with your personal login data or with the link that is provided in every email.
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